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Do you really know how to pray?


If I should tell you, the reader, that you do not know how to pray without being taught by the Holy Spirit or someone’s teaching, you would find my statement to be rude and offensive, especially if you consider yourself a prayer warrior. You would possibly say I do not know what I am talking about and dismiss it immediately.

However, I want to say to you, unless the Holy Spirit or someone teaches you how to pray, you do not know how to pray. So let me use some biblical truths to lay the foundation of my argument.

"One day, Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." Luke 11:1

Who would believe that the disciples who followed Jesus of Nazareth could not pray? Also, they noticed that John taught his disciples how to pray. How could this be? Well, in those days, the priests, prophets and those whom the Spirit of the Lord came upon, were the ones who offered up prayers for the people. So there was no need to learn how to pray. In Daniel 9:1-4 we read where Daniel the prophet intercedes for the nation of Isreal. In Nehemiah 1:1-4-11, we read that a cupbearer intervenes with prayer for his fellow citizens. Exodus 30:30 speaks about the priest's duty to the nation, and in Number 14:11-20, Moses intercedes for the people’s iniquity.

Most people would say, but in the scriptures, people cry out to YHVH in sackcloth and ashes. Is that not the same as praying? No, I can go around in mourning, crying out for help from the Lord, but that is not the same as praying.

So what is prayer? Prayer is a language used to communicate with God, giving the Kingdom of Heaven access to legally operate on Earth in the affairs of men. Why do I say this? Let us look at these scriptures to draw the truth from this statement. Genesis (1: 26 -27), the FOCUS word is Let them. By these words YHVH, the creator, defined the boundaries of His right to influence and interfere legally in the earth realm. This is one of the laws that govern prayer and shows us how integral and committed YHVH is to his word.

So, if men do not pray, heaven cannot intervene. To simplify it, prayer is a language men use to communicate with YHVH for His help in situations only He, YHVH, can fix. Jesus told His disciples that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1. Therefore, we must pray in a way that embodies the principles YHVH has given us in his word.

Date: April 08, 2023

Time: 10 am until late


Cost: Donation ( This includes all teaching materials)

Lunch will be provided at a cost.



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